Prepaid Systems

An electronic meter is a device made of semiconductor components used to measure the amount of energy or water consumption.

Ön ödemeli Sayaçlar
Ön ödemeli Sayaçlar

General benefits of pre-paid systems

  • 85% saving is achieved in personnel expenses.
  • 50% saving on stationery costs.
  • 90% savings in transportation costs are achieved.
  • 25% financial gain with prepayment system. is provided.
  • The problem of unpaid invoices for administrations is eliminated.
  • All consumption movements can be monitored from the Credit Sales Office terminals.
  • In addition to all these benefits, pre-paid meter; system amortizes the investment cost in a very short time. A modern, economical and safe system is established.

    Ön ödemeli Sistemler

    Using pre-paid system;

    You will get rid of forgotten invoices or tracking the payment due date and have a fixed price guarantee.

    You can easily load the credits you purchase onto your meter, and you will not be affected by the increases in energy and water prices.

    • You can add as much credit as you want to your card at any time from credit sales points.
    • The smart card used in the system is used by the administration and the meter. It enables the exchange of information between While the purchased credit information is sent to the meter from the administration, usage information is sent from the meter to the administration via the card. This exchange of information aims to provide a better service to the administration's subscribers.
    • Counterç We use the expression in general terms for devices used to accurately and reliably measure the amounts of energy or water consumed in residences, commercial and industrial enterprises. In the definition, only the amount of electricity, water and gas consumed is measured. given and it is accepted that the meters have no other functions.
    • On the other hand, research and development studies are in full swing to facilitate human life. ;cü continues at a rapid pace.
    • Although classical type meters have a long history, measurement systems It is a fact that they cannot resist the latest technological developments in the field.
    • Conclusion&cced; As a result, classical mechanical meters are now being replaced by new technology electronic meters that are pre-paid and use smart cards. With this new system, both administrations and subscribers save time and money.
    • Pre-payment meter with smart card carrying electronic chip; systems have been used in many countries for years. Electronic meters are rapidly replacing mechanical meters.
    • Electronic meters and smart cards used in the pre-paid system can be used internationally, in line with customer requests. It is produced and programmed in accordance with standards. Electronic prepaid meters are used worldwide. The number of subscribers using it has reached high figures and these figures are increasing day by day.
    Ön Ödemeli Sistemler
    Ön Ödemeli Sistemler

    General Features

    • The system is based on prepaid credit (prepaid credit). The system gives subscribers usage rights equal to the credits (counts) they purchase.
    • The system is completely reliable. It is impossible to copy smart cards. In recent years, even the banking system, which requires high security, has a problem with credit cards. It started to use smart cards with electronic chip units instead of magnetic cards.
    • Meters transmit usage and information messages to subscribers via LCD screen; this feature  Makes Elektromed meters easy to use.
    • Elektromed prepaid meters do not allow the user to make mistakes and have an automatic control feature.
    • Every meter in the system It has its own smart card.  
    • Counterç It detects any illegal usage attempt and saves this attempt in its memory and then the counter starts. It shuts itself off and does not allow the use of energy or water.
    • The meter warns the subscriber before the credit (credit) runs out.
    • In case the counter in the counter runs out and no new credit (credit) is loaded, the counter It allows the subscriber to use reserve credit. The amount of credit determined by the reserve credit administration is owed to the subscriber whose credit has expired. is given as . When the subscriber adds credit to the meter, the spent reserve credit is deducted from the loaded amount.
    • In case the reserve credit is exhausted and the credit is not loaded, the counter will not be charged. shuts itself down, stopping the use of energy or water; “GET CREDIT” message appears.
    • Counterç Before the battery runs out, the subscriber is warned with an on-screen message. If the subscriber ignores the warnings and runs out of battery, the meter will be reset. It saves all the information in its memory, so that the counter and there will be no loss of consumption information. 
    • Electronics  The smart card becomes unusable if it is tried to be used 4 times in a row at a meter to which it does not belong. 
    • When the subscriber loses his smart card belonging to his meter, a new card is issued by the administration. A lost card is canceled by the administration. 
    • If the lost card is found by someone else, the card cannot be used in any way because it is no longer defined in the system.
    • The information that can be obtained from the meter is as follows:
      • Consumption amount
      • Remaining Credit (Count)
      • Total consumption in a certain period of time
      • The last counter&cced; power cut error
      • Date of last intrusion
      • Last credit (top-up) top-up date
      • Actual date and time information
      • Counterç type and serial number
      • Battery Status
      • The administration can access all statistical information it desires at any time.
    • The administration may apply different tariffs to different regions. The administration's tariff changes are simultaneously transferred to all sales offices, and office terminals' tariff information is updated.
    • In the pre-paid system, subscribers have a fixed price guarantee. The subscriber will not be affected by price increases until the loaded credit is exhausted.
    • Counterç messages are displayed on the LCD: “ Get Credit, Low Credit, Control, Service, Penalty, Battery, Battery Low, Battery Empty, Cancellation, Invalid, Error” etc.
    • Card counter system provides savings to the administration with the following features:
      • first and last reading operations
      • Sealing/unsealing of meters and meter unsealing due to unpaid bills. disassembly/assembly operations
      • Invoice preparation and distribution procedures of the administration
      • Invoice and payment tracking procedures for the administration
      • The system has a high degree of security
      • Elektromed pre-paid electronic water meters detect leaks in the installation and report them to the administration
      • Provides information via smart card.

    Prepaid Meter System Components

    An electronic meter is a device made of semiconductor components used to measure the amount of energy or water consumption. In the system, subscribers pay before consumption. The purchased credit (top-up) is transferred to the electronic meter using a smart card carrying a microchip. When the credit (credit) runs out, the meter turns itself off and does not allow the subscriber to consume.

    It is the part that evaluates all consumption and status information and controls the LCD screen, closing unit and card reader unit.

    The meter informs the subscriber of consumption and status information via an LCD screen with 8 alphanumeric characters and status symbols.

    It is the interface unit where the smart card is placed in the meter and the card communicates with the meter. Credit (top-up) is easily loaded into the meter by inserting the smart card into the card reader unit. Your smart card is on the meter; There is no need to leave it in the card reader. After the loading process is completed, the subscriber must take his card from the meter.

    The meter has a breaker unit to control usage. The breaker unit is in the form of a relay in the electricity meter and a valve in the energy or water meter. The meter whose credit has expired or unauthorized intervention has been made automatically stops using energy or water when the breaker unit is activated.

    The battery charge status is notified to the subscriber with the level indicator on the LCD screen. Battery status is also reported to the administration via smart card. Dead batteries are determined by this monitoring and replaced by the service.

    When the battery runs out, the meter saves all consumption information in permanent memory. Elektromed prepaid water and gas meters turn off when the battery runs out and do not allow use. Elektromed prepaid electricity meters use grid energy when the battery runs out.

    The meter has two security sensors. These sensors are located under the main body cover and the battery cover. If one of these covers is opened by unauthorized persons, the meter records these intervention details (date, time, type, etc.) in its memory and the breaker unit is activated, the meter turns itself off and does not allow the use of energy or water. In this case, the meter can only be used with the service provided by the administration.

    Prepaid Systems

    An electronic meter is a device made of semiconductor components used to measure the amount of energy or water consumption. In the system, subscribers pay before consumption. The purchased credit (top-up) is transferred to the electronic meter using a smart card carrying a microchip. When the credit (credit) runs out, the meter turns itself off and does not allow the subscriber to consume.

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