Privacy Notice - KVKK Policy

Website Privacy Agreement
How the information we obtain about you and the information / services you request will be used and protected while you visit this website and benefit from the information / services offered through this site is subject to the conditions specified in this "Privacy Policy". By visiting this website and requesting to benefit from the services we offer through this website, you accept the terms stated in this "Privacy Policy".


I. Purpose of the personal data protection and processing policy
Due to the sensitivity of the information and services we have provided as ELEKTROMED to date, the data received from our customers or prospective customers has been kept confidential and thirdly. It has not been shared with anyone. Protection of personal data is the basic policy of our company. Before any legal regulation, our company and our subsidiaries gave importance to the confidentiality of personal data and adopted this as a working principle, and employees also have work instructions in line with this principle. As ELEKTROMED, ​​we undertake to comply with all responsibilities brought by the Personal Data Protection Law. ELEKTROMED's principles regarding the protection of personal data also cover our subsidiaries.


II. Scope and amendment of the personal data protection and processing policy
This policy prepared by ELEKTROMED has been prepared in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("KVKK"). The data obtained from you with your consent or in accordance with other laws listed in the Law will be used to improve the quality of the services we offer and to improve the services offered to you and our quality policy. Again, some of the data we have is de-personalized and anonymized. These data are used for statistical purposes and are not subject to the application of the Law and our Policy. ELEKTROMED Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy" applies to the automatic protection of our customers, prospective customers, employees and customers and employees of companies working in partnership with us or other persons. It aims to protect the data obtained as such and includes regulations regarding them.
ELEKTROMED has the right to change our policy and Regulation, provided that it complies with the Law and better protects personal data.


III. Basic rules regarding the processing of personal data
a) Compliance with the law and the rules of honesty: "ELEKTROMED" questions the source of the data it collects or receives from other companies and ensures that they are obtained within the framework of the rules of law and honesty. It gives importance. In this context, “ELEKTROMED” The third company that sells the services offered by . It makes necessary warnings and notifications to the parties in order to protect the data.
b) Being accurate and up-to-date when necessary: ​​"ELEKTROMED" ensures that all data contained within it is accurate, does not contain false information, and finally, if there is a change in personal data, it is updated if it is notified to it. It gives moisture.
c) Processing for specific, clear and legitimate purposes: "ELEKTROMED" only processes the data it provides and obtains consent from individuals during the service. It does not process, use or allow data to be used for purposes other than business purposes.
d) Related to the purpose for which they are processed, limited and proportionate; being: “ELEKTROMED” uses data only limited to the purpose for which they are processed and to the extent required by the service.
e) Purpose stipulated in the relevant legislation or for which they are processed; Preservation for the period necessary for: "ELEKTROMED" preserves data originating from contracts for as long as the conflict periods of the Law and the requirements of commercial and tax law. However, when these purposes are eliminated, it deletes or anonymizes the data.