Remote Reading Systems

Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)

Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)

Its a technology that periodically (daily, hourly…) communicates with smart meters, collects consumption and meter state information with one way data commmunication and then transfers to the data control center for storage, billing, analisys and investment planning purposes.

Electronics, digital hardware and software works simultaneously and provides continues periodical meter reading with all time available remote communication. It provides detailed informaiton collection ability.

Automatic Meter Reading
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

It goes beyond AMR system and provides remote control usage for fixed meter networks with two way data communication.

Meters in the AMI system is are smart meters which can use collected data with programmed logic.

Automatic Meter Reading

Smart Meters

Meters which periodically stores consumption values and send to the distribution company for billing and control purposes with their communication systems.


Communication Unit

Communication Units communicate with the smart meters connected to themselves according to periodical or instant reading demands and collects data from meters, store datas and then send to the Data Control Center. Its a bridge between Smart Meters And Control Center. If somehow there becomes a communication problem between CU and Data Center, CU stores the datas from short term till next succesfull communication.


Control Center

Control Center stores the data collected from smart meters through Communication Units (CU) to the databases. It converts these datas to usable and meaningful data and graphics for use of authorised users analisys and planning.

AMR / AMI‘nın Faydaları

AMR / AMI‘nın Faydaları

  • Consumption of residential meters that are connected to the main line compared with the amount of distribution losses and leakages are detected immediately.
  • Line losses are reduced by the rapid detection of failures.
  • Line loses are reduced by following consumption habits and instant tarifications.
  • Inefficient lines are detected and renewed.
  • Providing web software to track customer's consumption over the investments made by analyzing the amount of annual consumption.
  • Detection of unauthorized interventions
  • Detection of network based Losses
  • Reporting of low consumption Subscribers
  • Detection of sudden consumption drops ( by-passing of the meter )
  • Deterrent against the illegal use of power increase with immediate detection of leaks
  • Instant follow-up of unpaid bills
  • Low First Investment Cost
  • Low Operating Costs
  • Reading Hourly Consumption Data by once in a month connection
  • Decrease in unit costs by reducing losses and leakages
  • Fast, easy and secure data reading
  • No need for meter reading staff
  • No need for meter open-close staff
  • Saving for all the years of system operating
  • Increased AMR Data Collection Performance
  • Protection against wrong data reading and loss of collected data
  • Increased data security for data transmision between AMR system and other applicaitons
  • Removing of potential error source because there is no manual data entry
  • Short billling process
  • Instant remove shut-down for non-paying customers
  • Definite solution for collection problems with ABYS software integrated prepayment module
  • Cash increase by decreasing of loss and leakage with reporting and analysis
  • Customer satisfaction leads to the increase in the number of customers
  • Fast and accurate billing
  • Lowered costs leads to lower unit prices
  • Fast meter turn on process
  • Fast intervention to line malfunctions and uninterrepted service
  • Customer may watch self consumption from the web software customer account

Remote Reading Systems

They are technologies that automatically communicate periodically (daily, hourly…) with smart meters, collect consumption and meter status information with one-way data communication and transfer it to the central database for billing, analysis and investment planning.

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